Navigating the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).:



In an era where digital transformation is driving rapid change across industries, ensuring operational resilience against cyber threats and disruptions has never been more critical. The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is the European Union's landmark regulation designed to bolster the resilience of financial entities against such challenges.

Duration: Approximately 45 minutes (including Q&A session)

Key Discussion Points:
  • Understanding DORA:
    • An overview of the Digital Operational Resilience Act and its objectives.
    • The regulatory landscape and the importance of DORA in today's digital economy.
  • Scope and Applicability:
    • Identifying which financial entities are affected by DORA.
    • Understanding the responsibilities and obligations imposed by the regulation.
  • Key Components of DORA:
    • ICT Risk Management: Frameworks and best practices.
    • Incident Reporting: Procedures and compliance requirements.
    • Digital Operational Resilience Testing: Preparing for and executing resilience tests.
    • Information Sharing: Enhancing collaboration and information exchange across the industry.
  • Compliance Strategies:
    • Practical steps for achieving and maintaining compliance with DORA.
    • Integrating DORA requirements into existing risk management and cybersecurity frameworks.
    • Leveraging technology and automation to streamline compliance efforts.
  • Implications for Your Organisation:
    • Assessing the impact of DORA on your operations and business processes.
    • Strategies for minimising disruption and maximising operational resilience.
    • Case studies and real-world examples of successful DORA implementation.
  • Q&A Session:
    • Engage with our experts to clarify doubts and gain deeper insights.